Custom Email Domain

When you request for a testimonial through email, the email will be sent to your customers under socialprf domain.

For example your customers will see email from

It is always better to send emails under your own domain like

This has the below benefits

  1. Your clients are much more likely to trust the email came from you and therefore it boosts conversion

  2. Your emails are much more certain of being delivered. Sending from your own domain boosts deliverability

So, how to send from your own email. Follow the steps below to setup your own domain

First, go to the 'Custom Branding' section in your account and select 'Custom-Email'

Enter the domain of your email and click register domain.

Please wait for sometime for us to generate the details for you to add to your domain registrar.

You will then see the DKIM records that you need to add in your domain service provider

Now, you need to go to your domain service provider and add the TXT with hostname and value as shown above.

Below is an example of how this can be done for Cloudflare.

Click add new record. And then from the dropdown select 'TXT'. Next enter the hostname copied in previous step to the name field of cloudflare. Finally, enter the value copied in previous step to content field in cloudflare

Once you have entered the values in your DNS provider, click verify in SocialPRF.

Once successfully verified you should be done.

Last updated